Minister of National Security
Email: mweeks@parliament.bm
The Hon. Michael A. Weeks is a man of distinction, having
graduated from the illustrious Howard University in Washington D.C. with a
Bachelor's in Business Administration, Majoring in Accounting and a minor in
Social Work. Minister Weeks served for many years in the field of Accounting
and has a long history of service; nearly twenty years as a Residential
Treatment Officer in the residential treatment Services division. Some of those
years he served as a supervisor and live in house parent. He is a family man,
married to Mrs. Cindy L. Weeks, a twenty five year veteran in education, and he
is the father of four children, three sons and one daughter. Over the years Mr.
Weeks has been proud to have served on a number of Government Boards, such as
the Housing and Planning Board and the Pembroke Parish Council. He was also
involved in a number of volunteer organisations, such as the former Chairman of
the Board of C.A.R.E Learning Centre. Presently, he is the Vice President of
the Western Stars Sports Club, a member of the Bermuda Leporard's Club, member
of the Berkeley Educational Society and a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity Incorporated and other fraternities throughout the Island. Mr. Weeks
firmly believes in serving the community, and lives by the words of the Hon.
Nelson Mendela in his writing entitled Invictus, "it matters not how
strait the gate, how charred with punishment the scroll, I am the master of my
fate, I am the captain of my soul".