Mischa Fubler

Junior Minister for the Cabinet Office and Public Works

Email: mfubler@parliament.bm

Mischa Fubler is a dedicated husband, father, social justice advocate and IT professional. As a former teacher, he is also an advocate for the continuous improvement of the public education system. Driven by a desire to increase equity among the people of Bermuda, Mischa joined the PLP with the intention of contributing his time, experience, and expertise to the championing of digital transformation within the government and its services. Mischa is currently serving as the Chairman of the Wage Commission, a cross-industry team working towards the establishment of a living wage for Bermuda. Mischa holds a Bachelor of Arts, Urban Studies from York University, Toronto, Canada and a MSc Information Systems from Brooklyn College in New York City.

Mischa returned home in 2017 to join the Ascendant Group Ltd. as a data integration analyst, before serving as the technical lead for their Corporate Applications team. Next, he contributed to a local consultancy as their Senior Data Engineer, working with local clients across several industries, including banking, re-insurance, utility, regulatory and retail. Currently Mischa leads and mentors a team of software developers at a Bermuda-based international reinsurance company as the Assistant Vice President of Applications and Management Information. He regularly volunteers for local youth outreach opportunities, sharing his IT journey and career advice with middle and high school students. Mischa is acutely aware of the value of IT education and the need to grow the ratio of women and visible minorities in the STEM industries. Mischa brings grass-roots community organizing experience to the team as a core member of Social Justice Bermuda. His contributions include leading the Cannabis Legalization team and contributing to SJB’s Education reform team. He also serves on Chewstick’s Board of Elders (Directors). Mischa is married to wife, Gia, and together they have two children.